Success is Overrated | A3
Why are we all so concerned with ‘success’?
Success is overrated.
I say … just be you.
Let ‘success’ go.
Let yourself fly!
Can you control ‘success’ in the eyes of our world?
- No
Can you control how many people will like what you do?
- No
Can you control being your authentic self?
- 100%
Today, success is defined by metrics, rankings, and salaries.
This is all external.
This is all noise.
This is all static crunching who you really are.
Let these externalities flutter away.
Let’s focus instead, on what we can control:
- being our authentic selves.
- working towards being our ‘best’ version.
The real success is being authentically you.
It comes from inside of you, nobody else.
Only you create and define your own value.
Taking a risk on living authentically is a win-win.
- If you become ’successful’ by the world’s ever evolving standards, great.
- If not, great.
In both scenarios, you define your own vision of yourself, not anyone else.
And THAT alone, satisfies.
With pressure
With yearn for ‘success’ that isn’t true to you
With comparison
Comes effects on how you treat yourself.
I advise: Don’t underestimate your energy.
Give all you can to be and act as your authentic self, but most importantly, be kind to yourself!
- If you beat yourself up everyday because you don’t feel ‘successful’, your energy towards yourself and others will not be help anyone, it will only hurt.
- If you celebrate the moments in which you were yourself completely and are grateful for them, your energy will fuel not only yourself, but those around you. A happy you helps others become happier them’s.
Today, we are bombarded with images and comparisons, always forcing us to put into question our own worth and day to day living standard.
Screw all that.
It’s all a bunch of capoohie.
Just do your thing!
Curate within yourself a belief that the success = being you completely.
Our world’s version of ‘success’ won’t be needed to feel good about
who you are or what you do or what kind of lifestyle you are living
because on your own, you know you are being your true self.
If you are able to be content with what you are doing, with who you are, when NOBODY is looking, I’d say…
That is when you have started to be you.
That is when you have started to own who you are.
That is when success does not matter at all.
Because that you, is the only you, who you can control.
And that, my friend, is all you can do.
Let ‘success’ go.
Let yourself fly!